Als servicestarke Apotheke ist es unser Ziel, die Nummer eins für unsere Kunden zu sein.
Die Ruppiner Apotheke wurde 1991 von Dr. Siegfried Nagel in der alten Poliklinik in der Neustädter Straße gegründet. Weitergeführt in der nächsten Generation hat sie seit 2018 Ihren Standort in der Junckerstraße.
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Und das sind wir:

Dr. Stefan Nagel (re.) hat während seiner Tätigkeit als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an den Universitäten Rostock und Greifswald an einer Reihe von Veröffentlichungen in referierten wissenschaftlichen Journalen mitgewirkt.
Hier eine Liste der Publikationen zu Themen der Physik, Pharmazeutischen Technologie und Biopharmazie.
Publikationsliste Dr. Stefan Nagel
KEMPIN W, KAULE S, RESKE T, GRABOW N, PETERSEN S, NAGEL S, SCHMITZ KP, WEITSCHIES W, SEIDLITZ A: In vitro evaluation of paclitaxel coatings for delivery via drugcoated balloons. Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 2015; 15: 343-4.
SEIDLITZ A, SCHICK W, RESKE T, SENZ V, GRABOW N, PETERSEN S, NAGEL S, WEITSCHIES W: In vitro study of sirolimus release from a drug-eluting stent: Comparison of the release profiles obtained using different test setups. Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 2015; 93: 328-38.
LOCH C, BOGDAHN M, STEIN S, NAGEL S, GUTHOFF R, WEITSCHIES W, SEIDLITZ A: Simulation of drug distribution in the vitreous after local drug application into intact vitreous body and in progress of posterior vitreous detachment. J. Pharm. Sci. 2014; 103 (2): 517-526.
SEMMLING B, NAGEL S, STERNBERG K, WEITSCHIES W, SEIDLITZ A: Impact of different tissue-simulating hydrogel compartments on in vitro release and distribution from drug-eluting stents. Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 2014; 87: 570-578.JAIN AK, SOEDERLIND E, VIRIDÉN A, SCHUG B, ABRAHAMSSON B, KNOPKE C,
TAJAROBI F, BLUME H, ANSCHUETZ M, WELINDER A, RICHARDSON S, NAGEL S, ABRAHMSÉN-ALAMI S, WEITSCHIES W: The influence of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) molecular weight, concentration and effect of food on in vivo erosion behavior of HPMC matrix tablets. J. Control. Release 2014; 187: 50-58.
SEIDLITZ A, KEMPIN W, RESKE T, KAULE S, GRABOW N, PETERSEN S, HARDER C, NAGEL S, WEITSCHIES W: Evaluation of the influence of contact time and inflation pressure on drug transfer from drug-coated balloons. Biomed. Tech. 2014; 59 (S1):391-394
SEIDLITZ A, NAGEL S, SEMMLING B, STERNBERG K, KROEMER HK, WEITSCHIES W: In Vitro Dissolution Testing of Drug-Eluting Stents. Curr. Pharm. Biotech. 2013; 14 (1): 67-75.
SEMMLING B, NAGEL S, STERNBERG K, WEITSCHIES W, SEIDLITZ A: Development of hydrophobized alginate hydrogels for the vessel-simulating flow-through cell and their usage for biorelevant drug-eluting stent testing. AAPS Pharm. Sci. Tech. 2013; 14 (3): 1209-1218.
SEIDLITZ A, KOTZAN N, NAGEL S, RESKE T, GRABOW N, HARDER C, PETERSEN S, STERNBERG K, WEITSCHIES W: In vitro determination of drug transfer from drug-coated balloons. PLOS ONE 2013; 8 (12): e83992.
LOCH C, STEIN S, NAGEL S, SEIDLITZ A, GUTHOFF R, WEITSCHIES W. Simulation of the Conjunctival and Choroidal Blood Flow Using a New Multi-Layer Diffusion Cell. Biomed. Tech 2013; 58 (Suppl.): DOI 10.151/bmt-2013-4349.
SEMMLING B, NAGEL S, STERNBERG K, WEITSCHIES W, SEIDLITZ A: Long-term stable hydrogels for biorelevant dissolution testing of drug-eluting stents. J. Pharm. Technol. Drug Res. 2013; 2:19.
NASSIF A, JIA J, KEISER M, OSWALD S, MODESS C, NAGEL S, WEITSCHIES W, HOSTEN N, SIEGMUND W, KUEHN JP. Visualization of hepatic uptake transporter function in healthy subjects by using gadoxetic acid-enhanced MR imaging. Radiology. 2012; 264 (3):741-50.
LOCH C, ZAKELJ S, KRISTL A, NAGEL S, GUTHOFF R, WEITSCHIES W, SEIDLITZ A: Determination of permeability coefficients of ophthalmic drugs through different layers of porcine, rabbit and bovine eyes. Eur. J. Pharm. Sci. 2012; 47 (1): 131-138.
SEIDLITZ A, NAGEL S, SEMMLING B, PETERSEN S, RESKE T, SCHMIDT W, GRABOW N, STERNBERG K, WEITSCHIES W: In vitro estimation of drug loss during the implantation procedure of drug-eluting stents. Biomed. Tech. 2012; 57 (S1): 403-406.
BAUMANN R, GLOECKL G, NAGEL S, WEITSCHIES W: Preparation and characterization of magnetizable aerosols. Eur. J. Pharm. Sci. 2012; 45 (5): 693-7.
LOCH C, NAGEL S, GUTHOFF R, SEIDLITZ A, WEITSCHIES W: The Vitreous Model – a new in vitro test method simulating the vitreous body. Biomed. Tech. 2012; 57 (S1): 281-284.
WENTZLAFF M, SEIDLITZ A, NAGEL S, HARDER C, SCHNITTKER C, TRIP E, RESKE T, STERNBERG K, WEITSCHIES W: Coating of collars via fluidised-bed process. Biomed. Tech. 2012; 57 (S1): 18-21.
SEIDLITZ A, NAGEL S, SEMMLING B, GRABOW N, MARTIN H, SENZ V, HARDER C, STERNBERG K, SCHMITZ KP, KROEMER HK, WEITSCHIES W: Examination of drug release and distribution from drug-eluting stents with a vessel-simulating flow-through cell. Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 2011; 78 (1): 36-48.
SEIDLITZ A, NAGEL S, SEMMLING B, GRABOW N, STERNBERG K, WEITSCHIES W: Biorelevant Dissolution Testing of Drug-Eluting Stents: Experiences with a Modified Flow-Through Cell Setup. Dissolution Technol. 2011; 18 (4): 26-34.
GUTSCHKE K, BRACHT B, NAGEL S, WEITSCHIES W: Adhesion testing of transdermal matrix patches with probe tack test – In vitro and in vivo evaluation. Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 2010; 75 (2): 399-404.
HANKE U, MAY K, ROZEHNAL V, NAGEL S, SIEGMUND W, WEITSCHIES W: Commonly used nonionic surfactants interact differently with the human efflux transporters ABCB1 (pglycoprotein) and ABCC2 (MRP2). Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 2010; 76 (2): 260-8.
AURICH K, GLOECKL G, NAGEL S, WEITSCHIES W: Magneto-optical relaxation measurements of functionalized nanoparticles as a novel biosensor. Sensors 2009; 9 (6): 4022-4033.
GARBACZ G, WEDEMEYER R-S, NAGEL S, GIESSMANN T, MONNIKES H, WILSON C, SIEGMUND W, WEITSCHIES W: Irregular absorption profiles observed from diclofenac extended release tablets can be predicted using a dissolution test apparatus that mimics in vivo physical stresses. Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 2008; 70 (2): 421-428.
NEUBERT A, STERNBERG K, NAGEL S, HARDER C, SCHMITZ K-P, KROEMER H, WEITSCHIES W: Development of a vessel-simulating flow-through cell method for the in vitro evaluation of release and distribution from drug-eluting stents. J. Control. Release 2008; 130 (1): 2-8.
AURICH K, NAGEL S, HEISTER E, WEITSCHIES W: Affinity analysis for biomolecular interactions based on magneto-optical relaxation measurements. Nanotechnology 2008; 19: 505102.
AURICH K, NAGEL S, GLOECKL G, WEITSCHIES W: Determination of the Magneto-Optical Relaxation of Magnetic Nanoparticles as a Homogeneous Immunoassay. Anal. Chem. 2007; 79 (2): 580-586.
GLOECKL G, HERGT R, ZEISBERGER M, DUTZ S, NAGEL S, WEITSCHIES W: The effect of field parameters, nanoparticle properties and immobilization on the specific heating power in magnetic particle hyperthermia. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 2006; 18 (38): 2935-2949.
AURICH K, GLOECKL G, ROMANUS E, WEBER P, NAGEL S, WEITSCHIES W: Magnetooptical relaxation measurements for the characterization of biomolecular interactions. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 2006; 18 (38): 2847-2863.
WEITSCHIES W, WEDEMEYER R-S, KOSCH O, FACH K, NAGEL S, SODERLIND E, TRAHMS L, ABRAHAMSSON B, MONNIKES H: Impact of the intragastric location of extended release tablets on food interactions. J. Control. Release 2005; 108 (2-3): 375-385.
WEITSCHIES W, BERNSDORF A, GIESSMANN T, ZSCHIESCHE M. MODESS C, HARTMANN V, MRAZEK C, WEGNER D, NAGEL S, SIEGMUND W: The talinolol double-peak phenomenon is likely caused by presystemic processing after uptake from gut lumen. Pharm. Res. 2005; 22 (5): 728-735.
BEULE D, EBELING W, FOERSTER A, JURANEK H, NAGEL S, REDMER R, RÖPKE G: Equation of state for hydrogen below 10000 K: from the fluid to the plasma. Phys. Rev. B 1999; 59 (22): 14177-14181
NAGEL S, REDMER R, ROEPKE G, KNAUP M, TOEPFFER C: Proton-proton pair distribution in dense fluid hydrogen. Phys. Rev. E 1998; 57 (5B): 5572-5577.
BUNKER A, NAGEL S, REDMER R, ROEPKE G: Dissociation and thermodynamics of dense fluid hydrogen. Phys. Rev. B 1997; 56 (6): 3094-3098.
ROEPKE G, NAGEL S, REDMER R: Equation of state for mercury vapour and the law of corresponding states. Z. Phys. Chem. N.F. 1995; 192 (1): 1-19.
REINHOLZ H, REDMER R, NAGEL S: Thermodynamic and transport properties of dense hydrogen plasma. Phys. Rev. E 1995; 52 (5B): 5368-5386.
NAGEL S, ROEPKE G, REDMER R, HENSEL F: Quantum statistical treatment of the metalnonmetal and liquid-vapour transition in mercury. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 1994; 6: 2137-2144.
LABUDDE D, REDMER R, NAGEL S: Distribution of clusters in alkali metal vapours. Acta Physica Slovaka 1994; 44: 283-290.
ROEPKE G, NAGEL S, REDMER R: Thermodynamics of mercury vapours. Contrib. Plasma Phys. 1993; 33: 441-448.
NAGEL S, STEIN H, LEIKE I, REDMER R, ROEPKE G: Effective potentials for the interaction between electrons and hydrogen or helium atoms. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. & Opt. Phys. 1992; 25: 613-620.